Duplication Items and Sub-items

Duplicating an item, then modifying its columns

To duplicate an item, simply use the DUPLICATEITEM or DUPLICATEITEM_WITHUPDATES function.

Without parameter, these functions will duplicate the current item.

Should you want to duplicate an item in the same board, simply enter the position of the item in the board as 1st parameter.

Should you want to duplicate an item in another board, set this other board as Board2 or Board3 and indicate the alias of the board as 2nd parameter.

1: [Pos]=DUPLICATEITEM()=> Duplicates the current item

2: [Pos2]=DUPLICATEITEM(5)=> Duplicates the 5th item of the current board

1: [Pos3]=DUPLICATEITEM_WITHUPDATES(3,"Board2")=> Duplicates the 3rd item of Board2

These 2 functions return the position of the newly created item in its board. You can use this value as position indicator to modify its columns as needed.

1: [Pos]=DUPLICATEITEM()=> Duplicates the current item

2: {BoardItems.Date#[Pos]}=TODAY()=> Sets the date of the new item to Today

Duplicating a sub-item

Duplicating a sub-item is no different. Use the same functions, but in the sub-item board.